Cargo Bike Myths #4

Cargo Bike Myths #4

Cargo Bike Myths #4

There are a lot of myths around cargo bikes, usually pedalled (pardon the pun!) by those that can't see past the windscreen of their van or those that simply don't know or want to know the benefits of a cargo bike or what they are for.

This is the fourth piece in a short series going some way to explain away those myths.

#4 "..EV's, drones and driverless pods are the future.."

They may have a part to play in the future of deliveries but the tech is new, unproven and we have a climate crisis to deal with right now. We can't wait for them, cargo bikes on the other hand are ready to roll!

  • Transport in the UK needs to reduce carbon emissions
  • Electric Vehicles are not the silver bullet the media make you believe. They might be cleaner but they have stacks of embedded carbon in them from production and they won't ease traffic congestion.
  • Air pollution is an acute problem we need to deal with now. 
  • Congestion costs the UK economy £6.9 billion a year. Our streets are congested and unsafe. We need to reprioritise road space just to get moving again.
  • Delivery workers are treated poorly. Long hours, low pay. Lets give them a healthier alternative
  • If you are considering investing in a commercial cargo bike. Base your decision on evidence, not media hype.

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